Other Web 2.0 resources
A recent thread of emails over on the 501 Tech Club DC email list brought more Web 2.0 resources to light. So in the spirit of sharing:
NetworkForGood has an excellent set of short articles on using social sites for fundraising.
https://www.cmswire.com/ Offers news on content management
https://www.squidoo.com/org20 Squidoo posts a list of top non-profits using innovative technologies; "These are organizations that give their volunteers and members a voice and get out of the way. They're pros at mobilizing awareness online. They're experimentors. Innovators. On a mission. They're fearless."
Beth Kanter has a good blog on web 2.0. Similarly, check out Contentious.com. There's some year-end roundups of Tech and social change links and , and the Zen of Non Profit Tech has a good year-end roundup too.</p>