ICT4Dev Career Meetup Notes
Here is essentially a list of resources from the DC ICT4Dev Meetup on careers (you'll have to do the googling and hyperlinking yourselves. Email me at jon @ joncamfield dot com if you're interested in this in a wiki form.
Development organizations with ICT: Chemonics, ACT, DAI, CHF
Orgs with real ict4dev departments: AED, Winrock, RTI (n/ carolina ict+health), Nethope, APCD(?)
For africa: kabissa.org, digitalopportunity.org
News / keeping up with the sector
mobileactive.org, globalgiving.org, kiva, microplace, also see sites under job listing
Job listings
oneworld.net, devnetjobs.org, devex, devgateway
...look at the orgs as well as the jobs to see who's hiring/etc.
EVENTS and networking un foundation + vodafone sms for change next tues
networking most important, talk tolocal event speakers; set up informational interviews/coffee/mtgs
Volunteering volunteering as a way to test the waters and get experience
humaninet, geekcorps/iesc, unvolunteers, telecom w/o borders
non-Bank/usaid care+ibm shared infrastucture for MFIs (af/latam)
InterAction, InterNews, inveneo (low-power PCs), voxiva (health PDAs => national health infrastructure => platform for mobile data collection hiring now from for-profit)