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Defeating Ego in Development

6 minute read

I commented on NextBillion’s ongoing series responding to Michael Edwards’ new book, Just Another Emperor;<blockquote>I see the majority of this discus...

Being the IT Guy

1 minute read

While I want to quickly and decisively move away from being “The IT Guy” in my career, I must admit that at some level I fear losing that control over my own...

$10 laptop in India?

3 minute read

I’ll believe it when I see it, but the Times of India is reporting that the promised $10 laptop is closer to a reality, but right now it’s as real as the cra...

Small is bigger than big for OLPC deployment

5 minute read

Via Morgan Collett we learn that OLPC is discontinuing it’s “small” deployment support of 100-1000 XO laptop purchases:<div style="float: right; margin-l...

Holiday Computer Shopping

less than 1 minute read

People always come to me for advice on computers and technology options over the giftmas season. To head this off somewhat at the pass, let me remind everyo...

Drupal Mapping III.5 - moving up in the world

1 minute read

It's been a while since I posted on my Drupal Mapping project, and that's partially because I've been spending some time getting a great site that aggregates...

Microsoft, the “third world” and anti-virus

5 minute read

For the past year or so, I've repeatedly been trying to bring up what I see as a huge, gaping hole in any project which uses Microsoft products for an ICT4De...

Drupal and Maps III: Getting Dirty.

9 minute read

This is the continuation of my journal on getting mapping to work for Global Youth Service Day in Drupal, which starts with an overview of maps and drupal, a...

TCO for low-cost computing in Education

less than 1 minute read

The video archive of last Thursday's discussion at the World Bank on the total cost of ICT4E projects is now online at the Bank's eDevelopment thematic group...


less than 1 minute read

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