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Drupal and GYSD Maps II: Modules in Play

6 minute read

Series: Overview | Modules | Structure and Taxonomies | On Drupal 6 | Functionality Drupal by itself is pretty powerful, but where it really shines is when ...

The latest OLPC Upgrade

3 minute read

OLPC Upgrading - like an old defrag!Last Thursday, I upgraded my OLPC over some beers – sometimes, the best (and worst) ways to really test technology’s limi...

Linux Audio Server amusement

1 minute read

I'm currently using the laptop as the interim solution / testbed for the LAS idea. It's struggling to run amarok, but works nicely with qiv running a slides...

Social Media and ICT in Kenyan Agriculture

5 minute read has a great paper on the potential use of social media and Internet access for rural farmers. What sets it apart from most Social Media for ...

A Linux Audio Server

3 minute read

I admit it. I have a Windows laptop at home. For a very long time, it was my primary system. For the past year or so, I've been using a Linux laptop as my...

What’s old is new again

4 minute read

Thin Clients - a.k.a. "dumb terminals" have a long history in computing, and tend to come up every few years (seems to be a ten year cycle) as the Grand Solu...

SMSing political questions

less than 1 minute read

This is pure brilliance, courtesy BoingBoing: This giant billboard, posing hard questions for Sarah Palin, was lit up across the road from her LA rally site...

The 3G OLPC Laptop

less than 1 minute read

That’s three grand, not third generation.

Tech Salon: Information Sharing and Development

2 minute read

This week's Technology Salon was on information sharing and ways to use social media and peer-generated content in international development. Less of a lect...

Microsoft4Dev Conference Wrap-up, Day 2

5 minute read

Day 2 was slightly less enervating regarding the blatant Microsoft plugs (only about 40 direct plugs, compared to the first day, where I lost count) Edward ...

ICT4D Conference Wrap-up - Day 1

6 minute read

The conference opened with presentations by three hard hitting visionaries -- Counsellor Lisa Chiles, the senior most career officer at USAID; Michael Rawdin...

Quick ways to go Mobile

less than 1 minute read

MobileActive has a great entry on a handful of low cost, low-barrier ways to go mobile, from Twitter to desktop "guerilla" SMS campaigns (best run in develop...